Neo BizPlan
ー 2024/12/26日現在、Ver. 1.2 です。BC産業活用とは別に、ヘルスケアのメニューを作り、「服薬管理支援の試案」を書きました。
2-3カ月中に、コンテンツ流通、サプライチェーンファイナンスなどのコンテンツを3つほどアップする予定です ー
Design the services
Blockchain technology already has years of history to make various digital assets and transactions, still be lack of utilisation in industries, either for new services or processes.
Here on this site, trying to do research into various industry pain points or business chances to write market research reports and design Blockchain new use cases for industries.
Evolution and Revolution
Let’s experience together the fusion of technology and business strategy with tech-leveraged service designing.
Continuous Interest
Neo BizPlan will build a knowledge base for the idea generation and planning for industry solutions, based on Blockchain, analytics, and some other tech recipe.
Wide Industry Horizon
Let’s collect information and write plans from scratch for various industry services/processes.
Intellectual Property Mgmt.
Will hold/manage some interesting IPs to find ways to utilise them for new service designing.
Project Mgmt.
Neo BizPlan can accompany with who are to run a service/system development as an advisor all through the project.
Industries such as,
Supply chain/MRO/GHG traceability, health information exchange, trade finance, inter-company netting and settlement, debt transactions, etc.
Neo BizPlan